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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1944-1945-167

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FACULTY OF ENGINEERING SYLLABUSES OF COURSES Signs and Abbreviations Course approved for an Intermediate Examination Course approved for Final Pass or Honours Examination Course for Postgraduate or other Advanced Course Course other than those marked Υ Ζ or The Subjects dealt with in the FIRST YEAR are -Pure Mathematics י -Applied Mathematics ו -Heat Electrioity and Magnetism י -Chemistry י -Geology י y1 Yt י -Engineering Drawing and Design -Practical Applied Mathematics ו The Subjects dealt with in the SECOND YEAR are -Pure and Applied Mathematics -Electrical Technology -Theory of Heat Engines -Strength and Elasticity of Materials -Hydraulics β -Theory and Design of Machines -Surveying and Location The Subjects dealt with in the THIRD YEAR are -Mathematics -Electrical Machinery and Design -Generation Transmission and Utilization of Electrio Power -Theory and Design of Machines -Theory of Heat Engines including Laboratory -Theory and Design of Structures -Hydraulics including Laboratory and Design -Engineering Construction Ζ -Geodesy Location and Quantities Ζ 10 -Engineering Geology Ζ 11 -Engineering Metallurgy For detailed syllabuses of the above courses see under the separate subject Not during the war
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