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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1944-1945-166

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176 FACULTY OF ENGINEERING SCHOLARSHIPS AND PRIZES The following Entrance Scholarships are offered annually for com- petition by students entering the Faculty of Engineering Sambrooke Scholarship £50 per annum for years Founders' Company's Scholarship £50 per annum for years For regulations see the Scholarships section of the Calendar or the cover of the Faculty Prospectus Regular Students in this Faculty may qualify for the Associateship and may compete for the following Scholarships and Prizes the detailed regulations for which are given elsewhere in the College Calendar Jelf Medal Walter Smith Prize in Civil Engineering Siemens Prize in Electrical Engineering Siemens Prize in Mechanical Engineering Walter Smith Prize in General Engineering Jameson Prize in Engineering Daniell Scholarship in Chemistry Drew Gold Medal in Mathematics Tennant Prize in Geology Tennant Prize in Mineralogy Barry Prize in Divinity Carter Prize in English Verse Carter Prize in Botany Stephen Prize for English Essay Armourers' and Braziers' Company's Industrial Bursaries Senior Bursaries are offered annually by the above Company to students who have obtained an Honours Degree in Engineering in the University of London to assist them to obtain practical training after their College course Full information can be obtained from the Clerk to the Company of Armourers and Braziers 81 Coleman St London by whom applications must be received before May 31st Leverhulme Studentship in Chemical Engineering This studentship was founded in 1936 by the Trustees under the will of the first Viscount Leverhulme in order to enable students who have already received general training in the principles of chemical engineering to conduct original research or to pursue an advanced course of study in that subject at King's College Students are eligible who have successfully pursued three terms course of study as prescribed for candidates for the Certificate in Chemi- cal Engineering The Studentship which is of the annual value of £250 will be awarded for one year but may be renewed for second year and the holder will be required to pursue prescribed advanced course of study or research For detailed regulations see the Scholarships section of the Calendar Suspended on account of the war
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