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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1944-1945-158

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168 FACULTY OF ENGINEERING 14 candidate shall not be referred in any subject of the Part II Examination In the event of his failure to satisfy the examiners as provided in Clauses 11 and 13 he shall be permitted provided that he has completed the Part Examination to present himself in any subsequent year for the whole Part II Examination and further attendance will not be required in those subjects in which he has satisfactorily attended in any previous year 15 Before the conferment of the degree upon candidates who have passed the examinations of the University the authorities of King's College shall certify that each candidate has satisfied all the require- ments of the College and of the University 16 diploma for the degree of Sc Eng under the Seal of the University and signed by the Chancellor shall be delivered to each candidate who has passed after the report of the examiners shall have been approved by the Senate 17 The King's College London Diploma in Engineering will be awarded to candidates who succeed in obtaining an Honours degree and the King's College London Certificate in Engineering will be awarded to candidates who obtain Pass degree provided however that the candidates have complied with any requirements other than passing examinations laid down by the authorities of the College No further classification of the Diploma or Certificate will be made but in accordance with the established practice of the College the parchments will record the standard attained in each subject offered for the examination 18 Students desiring to apply for any exemption in respect of courses of study or of examination must apply to the University through the authorities of King's College Clauses 10 and 11 of the above Regulations are amended during the war The amendments are listed on the opposite page Approved Third Year Courses Students who pass their Final Degree Examination after two years of internal registration are awarded the degree only after third year spent on course approved by the University Before sitting for their final examination such students should inform the College Registration Clerk of the course they propose to take Suitable courses for student in the Faculty of Engineering include Research work usually with view to obtaining Higher Degree Third Year Course in approved subjects not already taken in the Final Examination For the period of the war however this third year will be excused if the student can produce satisfactory evidence of being engaged in national service or is recommended by the College for exemption
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