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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1944-1945-125

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FACULTY OF LAWS 133 College without consulting the Dean of the Faculty non-attendance at classes or terminal examinations for the purpose of sitting for other examinations must be specifically excused Students taking the fourses for the University Examinations are advised to enrol as Internal students of the University and the information which follows applies generally to courses for the Internal Degree The lectures however are open to External students of the University subject to the special permission of the Dean The full course for the degree of LL extends over three years The Intermediate Examination is held at the end of the first year and the Final Examination at the end of the third year Particulars concerning these Examinations will be found under Courses of Study Evening Students may be allowed to spread their Intermediate course over two years instead of one and their Final course over three years instead of two for the same composition fee of 63 guineas to cover the full course provided that no oourses are repeated candidate for the Internal LL degree must either have passed the LL degree examination as an Internal Student at least one calendar year previously or have been registered under the Regu- lations of the University for post-graduate students proceeding to Higher Degree and have completed course of study in accordance with those regulations candidate for registration for the Ph degree in Laws must be graduate of the University or have passed certain approved examinations and must be able to produce evidence of his ability to profit by the required course of study He will also be required to take the examination in one subject in Group at the LL examination candidate for the LL degree must have previously obtained the LL or the Ph degree in the Faculty of Laws as an Internal Student Nevertheless candidate who has obtained the LL degree as an Internal Student may in exceptional circumstances be exempted from this requirement provided he has already done work of the character and standard which may reasonably be expected of candidates for the LL degree As rule such exemption will be granted only on the ground of published work These candidates must submit either published work or dissertation or thesis on some special portion of Law which must be published before the degree can be conferred and be prepared to be examined on the selected portion For further particulars application should be made to the Dean of the Faculty It is important that candidates for the examinations of the University of London should make themselves thoroughly acquainted with the Regulations of the University regarding Registration Attendance at Recognised Courses Filling in of Schedules Payment of Examination Fees and other matters Copies of the Regulations should be obtained from the College Office by personal application
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