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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1944-1945-12

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THE THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT 1J Cbe can of Iftlng'e College The Rev Prebendary Richard Hanson Members Elected bs tbe Staff ot tbe Cbeologlcal Department The Rev Prof Herbert Maurice Relton One vacancy focmbexs Electefc bs tbe associates of Ikiiif College The Rev Cuthbert Cubitt Keet Ph Donald Arthur Stevens S0 Eng Inst Struct Zbc Xlbeolocjical Committee The Right Rev the Lord Bishop of Southwabk Ernest Bristow The Rev Frank Edgar Croydon William Reginald Halliday LL Litt Arnold Danvers Power The Ven Archdeacon Ernest Newton Suarpe The Rev Frederick Harold Smith The Rev Prof Randolph Vincent Greenwood Tasker The Right Hon and Right Rev Arthur Foley Winnington- Ingram LL Ube professorial 3B0arb Rev Prebendary Richard Hanson Mental and Mora Philosophy Dean Chairman Croydon Rev Frank Edg Ecclesiastical History Relton Rev Herbert Maurice Dpgmatic Theology Smith Rev Frederick Harold Philosophy of Religion Tasker Rev Randolph Vincent Greenwood Exegesis of the New Testament Two vacancies Members ol the Finance Committee
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