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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1944-1945-119

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Page content

123 faculties of natural Science ant £t10ineerin0 College Certificate in Cbemical Engineering THE CHEMICAL ENGINEERING COMMITTEE The Principal of Kh College Lieut-Col Briggs Sc Chem Unilever Ltd Mr Ε Evans Chem South Metropolitan Gas Company Mr Greene Mech Chem Con- sultant Mr Kewley Chem Asiatic Petroleum Co Ltd Mr Lampitt Sc Chem Lyons Co Ltd Mr Davidson Pratt Sc Chem Association of British Chemical Manufacturers Mr Heron Rogers Mech Chem Professor Allmand Sc ץ Professor Bennett Sc Ph Professor Catterson-Smith Eng Professor Davies Sc Ph Wh Ex Mech Professor Lobban Sc Inst Mr Cremer Sc Chem Members of the Staff of the Col- lege
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