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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1944-1945-112

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CLASSES 115 II and III-B Sc General and Sc Special Two-year Courses Zlt z2 and Aj A2-Petrology Lectures hr The composition textures and spacial relations of Igneous Sedimen- tary and Metamorphic Rocks their Classification and Petrogenesis Igneous Cycles in the British Isles Z3 A3-Palaeontology Lectures hr Characters of the principal groups of Fossils Animal chiefly Inverte- brata and Plant and their distribution in past Geological Periods Zlt A4-Stratigraphical Geology Lectures hr Stratigraphy of the British Isles and of certain important extra- British areas The geological succession of floras and faunas Z5 A5- Practical Geology Laboratory hrs Interpretation of Geological Maps Examination and description of common minerals rocks and fossils in hand specimens and of the more important rocks and minerals under the microscope Optical examination of minerals in relation to directional characters For those taking the Sc Special Examination additional courses are arranged Field Class Class for Field-work in Geology is formed during the session and excursions are made to localities of geological interest in the district long excursion of about week's duration is arranged during the Easter Vacation to some more distant area for special study Tennant Prizes in Geology The Tennant Prizes one open to first year students and one open to second year and subsequent year students may be awarded for proficiency at the annual examination upon the year's work
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