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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1937-1938-74

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70 peizes less than four years or have obtained the Degree not less than two years prior to the date of the examination The Prize will be awarded annually on an examination in selected texts from tho Septuagint Tho examination will be held in the Lent Term Names of candidates must be sent to the Secretary of the College by the last day of December The examination in 1938 will be set on the following Introduction to the Septuagint Set Books II Kings 1-15 Psalms 73-89 Unseen Passages No former student shall be eligible to compete for the Prize more than twelve years after he has been awarded the Degree or the Diploma whichever is the earlier Elocution pri3e This Prize was founded by the Council in 1933 The Prize of the value of £1 10 is awarded annually on the result of competition The Prize is open to students in the Preliminary year and in the first year of their course Bicfenell pri3e This Prize was founded in 1935 from funds subscribed by his colleagues and old students in memory of the Rev Edward John Bicknell Professor of the Exegesis of the New Testament from 1928 to 1934 The Prize consists of books to the value of £2 The Prize will be awarded for an essay on subject in Moral Theology III -FACULTY OF ARTS -Prizes in Arts open to all Regular Students of the College Carter 1pri3e for Englisb Derse This Prize was founded in 1879 under the will of George Redsull Carter The Prize consists of gold medal of the value of £10 or silver gilt medal with books to total value of £10 The Prize is open to all Regular Students of the College who have completed one Term and not exceeded nine Terms
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