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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1937-1938-60

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56 scholarships and exhibitions Xererbulme Stubentsbip in Cbemical Engineering Founded in 1936 by the Trustees under the Will of the First Viscount Leverhulme in order to enable students who have already received general training in the principles of chemical engineering to conduct original research or to pursue an advanced course of study in that subject at King's College Studentship of the value of Ā£250 per annum will be awarded annually payable in equal instalments at the end of each term Students of the College are eligible who have successfully pursued three terms' course of study as prescribed for Candidates for the Certificate in Chemical Engineering Candidates from other Colleges Universities or approved institutions will be required to present evidence of equivalent qualifications including those prescribed as the condition of entry to the course for the Certificate in Chemical Engineering at King's College Appointment will be made by the Delegacy upon the recom- mendation of the Chemical Engineering Committee but no appoint ment will be made without the concurrence of the Trustees Studentships will be awarded in the first instance for one year- but may be renewed by the Delegacy for second year subject to the concurrence of the Trustees The Student will be required to pursue prescribed course of study or research and must not without the consent of the Delegacy undertake any other work The Student will be required at the end of each term to present an account of his work of which copy together with report upon the work and progress of the Student shall be forwarded for the information of the Trustees VI -FACULTY OF MEDICAL SCIENCE IClarneforb flDebical Scbolarsbips ENTRANCE SCHOLARSHIPS The Rev Samuel Wilson Warneford LL in November 1851 presented to the College the sum of Five Thousand Pounds for the foundation of Medical Scholarships The Regulations may be revised from time to time provided that under no circumstances shall any alteration be made by which the regulations as to the examination and proficiency of the candidates in Divinity or as to the character of the holder of any scholarship shall be made less stringent than heretofore laid down The Scholarships are administered by the Council and the regulations at resent in force are the following
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