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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1937-1938-499

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TELEPHONE 0602 HOLBORN EDE RAVENSCROFT Founded in the Reign of William and Mary 1689 By Special Appointment to London University Makers of the Gowns since the University was founded 93 94 CHANCERY LANE ROBE Mmm MAKERS To THE KING QUEEN QUEEN MARY THE DUKE DUCHESS OF GLOUCESTER EDE RAVENSCROFT HAVE ALSO MADE UNIVERSITY ROBE8 FOR Princess Royal The Duke of Connaught etc 1000 GOWNS HOODS KEPT IN STOCK Associates' Gowns and Hoods for KING'S COLLEGE Gowns and Hoods for the UNIVERSITY OF LONDON BLAZERS BADGES HAT RIBBONS BRASSARDS SHIELDS TIES College Full and Half Colours SCARVES SWEATERS etc kept in stock STUDENTS' GOWNS AND CAPS CLERICAL OUTFITTERS PRESENTATION DAY Robing Rooms for Ladies and Gentlemen have been kindly placed at Ede Ravenscroft's disposal where their assistants will attend to the Robing free of charge EDE RAVENSCROFT ARE THE OLDEST ONLY FIRM WHICH HAS MADE THE KING'S COLLEGE GOWNS AND HOODS SINCE THEY WERE ADOPTED
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