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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1937-1938-498

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Page content

436 INDEX pagk Romance Philology ISO Rulea for Students 87 Scholarships Prizes 49 Salomon's Scholarships 60 Sunbrooke Scholarships- Arts Faculty 50 Engineering Faculty 59 Medical Faculty 58 Science Faculty 52 Scholarships and Prizes Conditions 49 School King's College 32 Science Faculty Medical 191 Associateship 41 Common Room 39 Conjoint Board Examination 194 Courses of Study 98 Fees 196 Libraries and Museums 43 47 Names of Students 344 Prizemen 371 Registration and Admission 192 Scholarships Prizes and Certifi- cates 56 76 Stafl 101 Syllabus of Lecture3 198 Science Faculty Natural 159 Associateship Rules for the 41 Curricula 168 Feee 165 Museulhs 44 Names of Students 339 Prizemen 371 Professors' Names 99 Scholarships Exhibitions and Prizes 52 74 Syllabus of Lectures 168 Secondary Schools Dept Training Teachers 110 Secretary Name of 95 Secretary's Office Hours of 37 Sketch of the History of the College 24 Sketch of the History of King's Col- lege for Women 33 Skinner's Company Scholarship 61 Societies College 80 Spanish 133 249 Stafl- Administrative 95 Arte Faculty 96 Engineering Faculty 102 Laws Faculty of 99 143 Medical Science Faculty 101 Names of Past Stafl 295 Names of Present Stafl 289 Natural Science Faculty 99 Theological Faculty 361 Student Demonstrators 319 Student Librarians 319 MM Students' Lockers 39 Students' Names See Names Studentships Berridge 55 Harold Row 54 Inglis 51 Layton 53 Leverhulme 56 Surveying and Civil Engineering 223 Teachers for Secondary Schools- Training Dept 110 Terms ל Theological Department 257 Associateship 262 College Institutions 269 Committee 259 Degrees in Theology 272 Examinations 272 Fees 205 Hall 38 270 Hoods 278 Lectures for other Faculties 40 135 Names of Internal Students 325 Professors' Names 261 Rules of Admission 206 Sambrooke Exhibitions 50 Scholarships Exhibitions and Prizes 50 64 Scholarships Bursaries and Centenary 61 Syllabus of Lectures 272 Theological Society 84 269 Theory and Practice of Education 110 117 Union Society 80 University of London- Internal Students See Names University of London Examinations- Sc Sc Eng 309 108 273 274 Sc 1M LL 151 List of Successes 353 110 Medical Degrees 193 Sc 164 216 Matriculation 107 161 193 208 Ph 110 164 216 University Distinctions 353 Vegetable Biology See Botany War Memorial 81 Warneford Scholarship 56 Wheatstone Laboratory 170 Women Scholarships for 60 Workshop Engineering 226 Worsley Scholarship 49 Zoology 1200 2ל Printed in Grkat Britain by Richard Clay Sons Limited bungay 8uffolk
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