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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1937-1938-490

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χ ANNUAL REPORT Principal of Lincoln Theological College and to the great services ren- dered by him to the College during the four years that he has been member of the Staff The Council has appointed the Reverend Shields Mus Chaplain of the College in succession to Mr Abbott Dr Shields joined the Staff at the beginning of this Session as Lecturer in Music and now becomes full-time member of the Staff The appointment of Professor Hardman as Warden of the Hostel is recorded in the Hostel Report In consequence of this important change in administration Dr Hardman has become full-time Professor The Hostel The Hostel has enjoyed happy and successful year It has been full throughout the year and all the residents have been members of the Theological Faculty the majority being students in their third year As in previous years the annexe in Vincent Square provided rooms for some eight or nine students The Chaplain the Reverend Abbott and the Reverend Jay have again been resident in the Hostel throughout the year At the beginning of the year the Reverend Enders joined the resident staff and has been very welcome addition Mr Enders has conducted his elocution classes for third year men in the Hostel Library from 30 to 12 30 each Saturday morning and the increased efficiency in this most important part of the practical training of ordinands has been seen in the improved reading of the lessons in Chapel Grand Night which was held as usual in the month of November provided good entertainment and pleasant evening for the residents and for large number of guests The Hall and the Common Room were again crowded to their utmost capacity The gathering was more of domestic affair than in some previous years The very welcome guest of honour was the Very Reverend the Dean of St Paul's The most important purpose which the Hostel serves is that of main- taining and developing the devotional life of its members This has been steadily and increasingly emphasised The daily celebration of the Holy Communion and the daily Evensong and Compline make the Chapel the true centre of Hostel life Devotional addresses have again been given regularly every Wednes- day evening after Compline during the Michaelmas and Lent Terms and on four occasions in the Easter Term Addresses have been given by resident members of the Staff and by the following visitors The Chaplain of Lincoln Theological College the Bishop of Kingston the Bishop of Labuan and Sarawak the Bishop of Wakefield the Chaplain of Trinity College Cambridge Dom Bernard Clements the Reverend Greer and the Reverend Tomkins The pre-terminal retreats at the beginning of the Lent and Easter Terms were conducted by the Reverend Canon Β Cunningham Principal of Westcott House Cambridge and by the Bishop of Bedford To all these the thanks of the Council are due for the help they so generously gave
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