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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1937-1938-487

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ANNUAL REPORT vii The sudden death of Canon Dearmer has deprived the present staff of one of its most eminent members Dr Dearmer was appointed Professor of Ecclesiastical Art in 1919 His great enthusiasm for his subject has been source of inspiration to many generations of students The College mourns the loss of gifted teacher and of singularly attractive personality The Council has also to record the death of Mr Walter Smith who was Secretary of the College from 1895 to 1918 Mr Smith rendered dis- tinguished service to the College during one of the most difficult and critical periods of its history During his tenure of office the College was re-constituted and re-organised and assumed its characteristic modern features It is largely due to the late Secretary's remarkable combina- tion of administrative gifts with personal character that the very com- plicated and difficult series of changes was successfully effected Membership op Council The Council has accepted with great regret the resignation from the Council of Sir John Dewrance owing to ill-health The Council has elected the Ven Archdeacon Storr and Mr James Parkins members of the Council Corporation op King's College The Council has elected Professor Spiers formerly Professor of French and Professor Samuel Smiles Professor of Chemistry both Fellows of the College to be members of the Corporation of King's College Fellowships The Council has elected the Rev Canon Sydney Williams Wheatley and the Rev Charles Knight both old students of the Theological Department to be Fellows of the College Living op Hampton Poyle The Council has appointed the Rev James Jeremiah Hunt to the living of Hampton Poyle Mr Hunt is an old student of the College who obtained the Diploma in 1910 He has been Vicar of St Giles in the Wood in the diocese of Exeter since 1929 This is the first pre- sentation to living to be made by the Council Finance General Account -For the first time for several years reduction in the income from fees has to be reported The amount received on this account was £7 209 as compared with £7 994 in the previous year As result of this reduction there is small deficit on the year's working The grant from the Ecclesiastical Commissioners remained at £4 000 of which £500 was allotted to the Exhibitions and Bursaries Fund The necessity for granting assistance through the Bursaries Fund proved as great as in the previous year and the Council has again
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