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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1937-1938-486

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vi ANNUAL REPORT Dr Edwyn Bevan Litt LL Honorary Lecturer in Hellen- istic Language and Literature Prof Oesterley Litt Professor of Old Testament Exegesis Dr Herbert Loewe Queen's College Cambridge and Prof Hooke Samuel Davidson Professor of Old Testament Studies Lent Term 1936 course of Public Lectures arranged by the University The Institution of Sacrifice by Professor James Litt Ph Professor of History and Philosophy of Religion in the University of Leeds Council The Council records with deep regret the loss of one of its oldest members by the death of Mr Archibald John Allen whose interest in the College has extended over period of thirty years Mr Allen be- came member of the Theological Committee in 1913 he was elected member of the Council in 1920 and was subsequently nominated as Life Governor By his wisdom in council and his mastery of detail he helped to guide the destinies of the College as whole through difficult period to its present prosperity His uprightness of character together with his unfailing sense of humour gave him special place of personal affection in the hearts of those with whom he worked for the common good of the College Life-Governor The Archbishop of Canterbury as visitor of the College has nominated Sir Lulham Pound as Life-Governor to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Mr Allen Obituary The Council regretfully records an unusually heavy loss by death during the past year The Reverend Prebendary Alfred Caldecott died early in the year After distinguished career at Cambridge he was appointed Professor of Mental and Moral Philosophy at King's College in 1891 and succeeded Dr Headlam as Dean of the College in 1913 He was the first Dean under the present constitution and was responsible for the conduct of the Theological Faculty during the difficult years of the War Dr Caldecott was distinguished philosopher and very prominent figure in the past history of the College His death at an advanced age breaks link with the past Two other former members of the Theological Faculty died during the year Canon Edward William Watson and Canon Alexander Nairne Canon Watson held the Chair of Ecclesiastical History from 1904 to 1908 and was then appointed Regius Professor of Ecclesiastical History in the University of Oxford Canon Nairne held the Chair of Hebrew from 1900 to 1917 and was appointed to Regius Professor- ship in the University of Cambridge Each gave distinguished service to the College
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