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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1937-1938-484

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iv ANNUAL REPORT College acting through the Council one of the signatories to the Petition being the Chairman of the Delegacy who is member of the Council The following gracious reply was received through the Keeper of the Privy Purse am commanded by The King to inform you that His Majesty has been graciously pleased to grant his Patronage to Ku College The Council has to record successful year of work in the Theological Department Numbers The number of full-time students in the Diploma course who com- pleted the Session was 195 compared with 218 last Session and 228 in the Session 1933-34 Of these 24 were in the Preliminary Year 127 in the Diploma course and 44 in the combined course for the Diploma and University Degree The number of occasional students during the Session was as compared with in the previous Session and there were again students reading special shortened courses The number of post-graduate students was as compared with 10 in the Session 1934-35 Of these were reading for the degree of Ph and for the Honours Degree The number of evening students was 30 an increase of on the previous Session They were distributed as follows Inter Course Preliminary Year and Occasional 17 There was small decrease in the number of women students from 60 to 54 of whom 26 were graduates Of the women students was reading for the degree of for the degree of Ph for Hons for the degree of for the Intermediate 14 for the Lambeth Diploma in Theology 12 for the Theological Diplomas of the University for the University Certificate of Proficiency in Religi- ous Knowledge and 12 were occasional students University Degrees etc The academic record has been satisfactory though the exceptional number of successes and distinctions achieved last session has not been repeated Post-graduate student obtained the degree of Ph and took 2nd Class Honours in the Honours Examination For the Final Examination 12 candidates sat of whom obtained the degree In the Intermediate Examination there were 13 passes an increase of on the previous year Of Women Students obtained one or other of the London Diplomas and the University Certificate Associateship Eighty-six Associates were elected during the Session eight fewer than in the previous year Fifty-one Diplomas were awarded in the
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