Calendar: 1937-1938 Page 401
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418 BENEFACTIONS TO KINGS COLLEGE LONDON 1924 The Founders' Company An annual Engineering Entrance Scholarship of the value of 40Z per annum tenable for three years The Roumanian Government Lectureship for three years in the History of Roumania and the Near East and part- time Lectureship in the Roumanian Language 1925 The Roumanian Government Lectureship for three years on the Social and Economic History of Central Europe and the Balkans Frederick Godwin Esq 1007 duty free for the Evening Classes Department The International Western Electric Company Two Amplifier Valves for the Department of Physics Sir Charles Wakefield Bart 350Z per annum for years for rent of rooms at Malet St for the School of Slavonic Studies and 50 for the Slavonic Library Subscriptions and other sources for the Building Fund of the Theological Hostel Vincent Square 361 5s 6d Vaughan 51 Donation to Cofiege Centenary Fund Miss Gwinnell Relief Model of Central Skye and of the North Clyde Basin prepared and published by her father Russell Gwinnell Esq Sc for the Department of Geography Executors of the late Professor Arthur Dendy Sc Head of the Department of Zoology teaching collection of sponges and slides his collection of Sphenodon books on Natural History pamphlets on General Biology and specimens other than Porifera to the Department of Zoology Boving Esq Managing Director of Hydrantomet Ltd 6" Centrifugal Pump to the Civil Engineering Laboratories Lt -Col Parsons Portrait of his father the late Hon Parsons Treasurer of the Delegacy Victor Ewings Negds Esq Μ Β 251 to the Medical Research Fund Lt -Col Parsons Portrait of his father the late Hon Parsons senior member of both Council and Delegacy who died in 1923 1926 Anonymous An endowment of Post-Graduate Scholarship or Scholarships for one or two students from Czecho-Slovak University for the Session 1926-27 the total value to be 150Λ The General Electric Company Fleuss Pump for the Physics Department and for the Electric Engineering Depart- ment
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