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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1937-1938-376

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NAMES OF ASSOCIATES 391 Elected Name Faculty 1933 Heath John Gordon Theology 1933 Herbert John Ivor Theology 1934 Herbert John Phillips Theology 1931 HervĀ£ Charles Theology 1933 1931 Heward Frederick Charles Theology 1936 Heydon Francis Garland William Woodard Theology 1930 Heywood Charles Leslie Sc Science 1933 Hickman George May Theology 1936 Hickox Sidney Edwin Theology 1936 Hicks Roy Arthur Richard Theology 1934 Hickson Wihnot Thomas Theology 1933 Hill Kenneth Robson Sc Science 1934 Hill Raymond John Walter Theology 1935 Hills Arnold Charlee Arts 1935 Hines George Maurice Sc Science 1935 Hinton Alfred Richard Dominic Theology 1931 Hitchina Arthur Cyril Arts 1936 Holland Nancy Cheadle Sc Science 1936 Hollingdale Thomas Henry Theology 1937 Hollinshead John Woodhouse Theology 1932 Holmes Eveline Arts 1932 Holmes Frederick William Theology 1936 Holmes Mildred Sc Science 1936 Holmes Oliver Wright Arts 1937 Hooper Percival Alfred Thomas Theology 1934 Hope George Edward Theology 1932 Horsey Frank Bokenham Theology 1932 Horsfleld Leonard Alfred Edward Theology 1937 Horth Walter Robert Theology 1931 Hougham Ernest George Reginald Theology 1935 Houghton Albert Morley Sc Science 1936 Howard John Liddon Theology 1931 Howard Roy Charles Arts 1935 Howarth Gerald Simeon Theology 1937 Howarth Wilfred Alan Theology 1933 Howie Marian Alice Arts 1934 Hoyle Bernard Edwin Sc Science 1931 Hudson Wilfrid John Theology 1935 Hughes Edward Marshall Theology 1931 Humphries Arthur William Theology 1936 Humphreys George Bernard Theology 1932 Husbands Norman Theology 1937 Inches Eileen Mary Arts 1932 1933 Iorns Derrick John Theology 1930 Iiod Ella Muriel Arts 1932 Izzett David Stewart Thomas Arts 1937 Jackson Frederick John Theology 1935 Jackson Noel George Theology 1931 James Alan John Wilfred Sc Science 1932 James Horace Leslie Theology 1935 James John Emyln Theology 1933 Jams Kenneth Eric Theology 1937 JefEery Frederick Arte 1931 Jeffery Leonard William Theology 1936 Jenkins Henry Maurice Theology 1932 Jenner William Jack Theology 1936 John Daniel Francis Theology 1933 Johnson Margaret Arts 1932 Jones Robert Arte 1933 Joy Leslie John Clifton Theology
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