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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1937-1938-356

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369 NAMES OF ASSOCIATES SCHOLARS AND PRIZE-WINNERS ACADEMIC YEAR 1936-37 FACULTY OF ARTS 1Recommen&e& for tbe Hssociatesbip Allison Ivan Edward Bailey Madge Barnes William Edward Clement Barrett Helen Marjorie Bradbury Norman Lunn CockeriU Hugh Anthony Lewis Earl Ronald Sydney Ford Laura Am QUI Thomas Simon Coates Grey Robert Edwin Hillman Edward Leonard Inches Eileen Mary Jeffery Frederick Kelly Margaret Dorothea Kirby Edward Norman Lewer Phyllis Emily Margaret Luscombe Gladys Helen Lyne John Machin Frances Winifred Mdver Ronald Keith MitcheU Mary Russell Moore Marjorie Grace Murray Muriel Nancy BA Nayler Harold Raymond North Robert Joseph Paine Ernest Henry Penfold Joan Kathleen Prowse Gordon Arthur Quick Harry John Ranson Greta Richards Joyce Mary Stuart Francis Arthur Thomas Hugh Ernest Trodd Gerald Edward With Credit Stufcentsbips Inglis English Smith Barbara Mary Helen Inglis History Murphy Desmond James 5cbolar5bips Ada CrompUm History Bursary Henry Neville Gladstone Merchant Taylor's Company's Sambrooke Classics Skinner's Company's Jelf Medal WUkinson Muriel Barry Divinity Men Perryman Alan Henry Women Blackburn Ruth Harriet Braoer History Wilkinson Muriel Brewer English Literature Dodderidge Morris Holdsworth Kathleen Freeman Phyllis Gray To be awarded Colman Michael Howard 'layden Cecilie Joan Constance Crouch Bertram Colling Watts Joan Patricia
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