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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1937-1938-336

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FACULTY OF MEDICAL SCIENCE 347 Kochanek Raymond Koeiman Heymann Latner Marcus Leggett Donald Stanford Graham Lewis James William McCarthy Thomas Paul Wigmore McGarry Patrick Joseph McGee John Owen MacLean Iain Malcolm Machanik Gerald Madge Hubert Edward Mackay Ian Maxwell Grant March Leo Dudley Cohen Marshall Terence Stinton Mathias Arthur Foy May Kenneth William Mitchell John Antony Forest Mumford Percy James Leslie Murphy Bernard Oakshott Eobert Anderson O'Flaherty John Francis Palmer The Eev Frank Reginald Charles Parker Derek Arthur Paterson Jeffery Milton Payne Hedley Vernon Trask Phillips Herbert Ivor Phillips Majorie Lilian Craddock Pitchford Robert John Pledger Frederick Henry Pomeroy John Alan Poole Edward Malcolm Price-Lewis David Williams Querido Max Randall Richard Isidore Bawlinson Marmaduke Peter Goodwin Cantab Bees Joseph Motley Rees-Jones William Tudor Renaud Reginald Eugene Ritchie Douglas Archibald Hamilton Roache Stanley Hugh Rosen Israel Rowlands David Thomas Bundle George Arnold Saleeby William Wehbe Scott Michael Samson Montagu Seal Eric Seifert Morris Sharma Phool Chand Shephard Michael Walter Hopper Singer Marcus Louis Smith Arthur Raymond Duerden Smith Francis Maxwell Speirs Robert John Orr Spence Horace Vincent Stooke Henry Stormont Henry Alan Ward Tatham Christopher Taylor Gerald Thomas James Livingstone Thomas Nora v' Trapps Norman Charles Benjamin Usher-Somets Geffroi Essex Edgeworth Vigar Charles Hatton Watson Martin Bingham Westworth Ian Mackay Whateley Sidney Wilfred Whitlock Roy Ivor Harding Williams John Llewellyn Wilson Basil Graeme David Wood Keith Wray Frederick Thomas Wright John Felix Young John Hugh Zackavoy Isaac OCCASIONAL STUDENTS Abington Margaret Flora Croft Abrahamson Dorothy Albino Ronald Charles Andrews Ethel Emily Austin Elizabeth Baggallay Joyce Enid Bailey Jennett Alison Mary Balderson Eileen Barbour Jean Beatrice Priscilla all Barker Joyce Barrett Alan John Batcup Constance Vera Berlandlna Ruth Laurie Bethell Joan Blain Patricia Charlton Blundell Stephen Bruce Violet Burrowes James Oxon Cadman Douglas Henry Cadwell William Gordon Campbell Ralph Jocelyn Can- Mary Rosamund Chipperfleld Emily Clapton Joan Muriel Connell Kathleen Joan Crelling Thomas Crombie Mary Catherine Drew John Marshall Drury Elizabeth Clara Dunbar Leslie Gilmour Edwards Margaret Louise Edwards Mary Josephine Elder Dorothy Elsom Arthur Raymond Oxon Fares Charles Fernee Ann Ferrar Hilda Jessica Mary Fitch Mary Elisabeth Forgie Margaret Johnston Fox Helen Mary Don Oxon Gampell Ralph Jocelyn Gates Anne
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