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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1937-1938-294

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FACULTY OF ARTS 303 1894 1896 1904 1905 1908 1912 1914 1914 1914 1916 1921 1924 1930 1930 Charles Daulman Webb Lit Sc Arthur Paul Adolph Charles Quthkelch Robert Sheltou Bate Percy Goroowy Thomas Owen Thomas Williams Margaret Lucy Lee Eleanor Mary Plumer Ronald Brunlees Mckerrow Litt Barnard Eustace Cuthbert Davis Assistant Frederick William Baiter George Bagshawe Harrison Jacob Isaacs Wilired Philips Barrett Ph Frances May Mack 1917 Kathleen Horner 1919 Herschel Maurice Margoliouth 1920 Arthur William Reed Gwendolen Ingram John Ramsay Allardyce Nicoll Mabel Day Lit 1927 George Bagshawe Harrison SI Α Ph 1928 Jacob Isaacs 1930 George Norman garmonsway 1934 Frances May Mack Ph 1935 Wilfred Philips Barrett Ph Lecturers 1936 Geoffrey Victor Smithers Ph 1937 Roger Thomas Baldwin Fulford 1863 William Hughes GEOGRAPHY Professors 1876 Harry Govier Seeley Lecturers 1854 Charles Greniell Nlcolay 1927 Sidney William Wooldridge Sc 1922 professor William Thomas Gor- DON Sc 1932 HERBERT JOHN wood Sc Ph Assistant Lecturers 1930 Herbert John Wood Sc 1936 JOHN FRANCIS KIRKALDY Sc Demonstrators 1927 David Leslie Linton Sc 1933 George Douglas Beaumont Gray 1929 John Francis Kirkaldy MjSc MENTAL AND MORAL PHILOSOPHY Professors 1877 Henry William Watkins 1918 Herbert Wildon Carr Litt 18S0 Alfred Williams Momerie Sc 1931 HAROLD Foster Hallett 1891 Alfred Caldecott Lit Litt Reader 1921 Hilda Diana Oakeley Lit Lecturers 1905 Kenneth Jay Spalding 1931 Hilda Diana Oakeley Lit 1908 Walter Robert Matthews Hon Lecturer 1914 Herbert Wildon Carr Litt 1932 RICHARD HANSON 1915 Hilda Diana Oakeley PSYCHOLOGY Professors 1906 Charles Samuel Myers 1931 FRANCIS ARTHUR POWELL AVELINQ Sc Ph Lit Readers 1914 William Brown Sc 1922 Francis Arthur Powell Aveling Sc Ph Lit Appointed Hon Lecturer Bibliography 1932 Fellow of St John's College Cambridge Fellow and Dean of St John's College Cambridge After vards Research Fellow of Brasenoee College Oxford Afterwards Reader in Experimental Psychology Cambridge Afterwards Wilde Reader in Mental and Moral Philosophy Oxford
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