Calendar: 1937-1938 Page 264
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faculty of theology 271 30 Mattins in College 10 to Lectures Meetings etc in College 30 Tea 30 Evensong Dinner 10 Compline after which silence is kept until breakfast the following morning Each term is prefaced by week-end Retreat and there is Quiet Day in the middle of each term Devotional addresses are given at Chapel Services by visitors and members of the staff The position of the Hall affords easy contact with the College it enables residents to keep in touch with the many religious and social enterprises which centre in London and it makes it possible for them to share in the Sunday services at St Paul's and the Abbey and other London churches and to hear some of the best preachers of the day Students in Hall are to large extent self-governing community holding periodical meetings in their Common Room and electing their own officers At least one year's residence in Hall is required of every candidate for the Theological Associateship of King's College and longer period is strongly recommended whenever possible For conditions of entry regulations etc application should be made to the Dean King's College Application forms for admission may be obtained from the Warden ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS Students who wish to take the regular three years' Theological Course without Preliminary Year must have passed either the London Matriculation the College Preliminary Examination see 17 or one of the following examinations provided that in all cases the candidate shall have passed in Latin and Greek The Oxford or Cambridge Senior Local Examination for Higher Certificates of the Oxford and Cambridge Joint Board Re- sponsions at Oxford Previous Examination at Cambridge Parts II and III One Examination after Matriculation in Trinity College Dublin Durham University Matriculation Examinations for the title of Associate in Arts of any of the recognised University Colleges in England Senior Central Welsh Board Examination Examinations for the Senior Certificate of the College of Pre- ceptors Matriculation Examinations in Colonial and other Univer- sities General Schools Certificate In cases where students have passed Matriculation or one of the above-mentioned examinations without Latin or Greek they will be allowed to take paper in the subject in the Entrance Examination see pp 275-276
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