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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1931-1932-497

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Edward Arnold Co 's List SURVEY OF ENGLISH LITERATURE By Oliver Elton Professor of English Literature in the University of Liverpool 1730-1780 vols 32s net 1780-1830 vols 32s net 1830-1880 vols 32s net ASPECTS OF THE NOVEL By Ε Forster 7s 6d net THE OLD REGIME IN FRANCE By Frantz Funck-Brentano 16s net HELLENISTIC CIVILISATION By Tarn Second Edition revised and annotated 16s net THE NATIONAL DEBT By Hargreaves Ph Econ Fellow of Oriel College Oxford 15s net TEXTBOOK OF THERMODYNAMICS By Hoare Sc Assistant Lecturer in Physics at University College Exeter 15s net IONS ELECTRONS AND IONIZING RADIATIONS By Crowther Μ Α Sc Professor of Physics in the University of Reading Fifth Edition 12s 6d net LOGARITHMIC AND TRIGONOMETRIC TABLES TO FIVE PLACES OF DECIMALS By Dale Assistant Professor of Mathematics King's College Fifth Impression 2s 6d net COLLOIDS By Hedges Ph Sc Late Darbishire Fellow of the University of Manchester I2s 6d net THE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED ELECTRO-CHEMISTRY By Allmand Sc Professor of Chemistry King's College London Second Edition Revised and enlarged by the Author and Ellingham Sc 3£s net ANALYTICAL PROCESSES Physico-Chemical Interpretation By Τ Smith SC Assistant Lecturer in Chemistry in the University of Sheffield 12s net ELECTRICAL SUB-STATIONS By Brazil 12s 6d net POWER AND THE INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE By Dalby Mech Inst 18s net TEXT-BOOK OF GEOLOGY By Lake formerly Reader in Geography and Rastall ScD Lecturtr in Economic Geology in the University of Cambridge Fourth Edition 21s net THE PHYSIOGRAPHICAL EVOLUTION OF GREAT BRITAIN By Wills Sc Lecturer in Geology in the University of Binning- ham 21s net ENVIRONMENT AND PLANT DEVELOPMENT Being Klima und Boden by Professor Lundegardh translated and adapted to English conditions by Eric Ashby Sc of the Imperial College of Science and Technology 24s net SYSTEM OF CLINICAL MEDICINE By Thomas Dixon Savill Lond New Eighth Edition completely revised by Dr Agnes Savill and others 28s net SURGICAL EMERGENCIES By Russell Howard Surgeon to the London Hospital 7s 8d net LECTURES ON DISEASES OF CHILDREN By Robert Hutchison Edin Physician to the London Hospital and to the Hospital for Sick Children Great Ormond Street Sixth Edition 21s net MIDWIFERY By Ten Teachers under the direction of Com yns Bertieley Fourth Edition Price reduced to 18s net TUMOURS OF THE BREAST their Pathology Symptoms Diagnosis and Treatment By Sir Lenthal Cheatle and Max Cutler Director of the Research Division of Cancer Depart- ment of Hospitals of New York City 50s net London EDWARD ARNOLD CO 41 43 Maddox St 13
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