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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1931-1932-491

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BLACKIE SON LIMITED The Theory of Determinants Matrices and Invariants By Turnbull Regius Professor of Mathematics in the United College University of St Andrews Second Impression 25s net Theory and Application of Infinite Series By Dr KoNRAD knopp Professor of Mathematics in the Univer- sityof Tubingen Translated from the second German Edi- tion by Miss Young £s Sc 308 net Contributions to the History of Determinants 1900-1920 By Sir Thomas Muir CM Sc LL 30s net Theory of Functionals and of Integral and Integro- Differential Equations By Vito Volterra For Memb Professor in the Univer- sityof Rome Authorized translation by Miss Long 25s net Applications of the Absolute Differential Calculus By McConnell Sc Professor of Natural Philosophy in the University of Dublin 20s net Physical Principles of Electricity and Magnetism By Pohl Professor of Physics in the University of Gottingen Authorized translation by Winifred Deans Sc With 400 figures 17s 6d net The Physics of Solids and Fluids with Recent Developments By Professor Ewald Stuttgart Th Poschl Karlsruhe and Prandtl Gottingen Translated by John Dougall Sc and Deans Sc With 322 figures 17s 6d net Modern Physics By Wilson Sc Leeds MA Camb Sc Lond Professor of Physics Rice Institute Houston Texas formerly Fellow of Trinity College Cambridge Second Impression with Appendix on Recent Developments in Wave Mechanics 30s net Heat and Thermodynamics By Roberts Ph Cantab late Assistant in the Heat Division of the National Physical Laboratory 30s net Systematic Inorganic Chemistry From the Standpoint of the Periodic Law Text-book for Advanced Students By Professor Caven Sc Lond Royal Technical College Glasgow and Lander Sc St And and Lond New and enlarged edition 1930 9s net Systematic Qualitative Analysis For Students of Inorganic Chemistry By Caven Sc Lond New edition 1930 with an introduction re- garding Manipulation in Qualitative Analysis 5s net The Chemical Action of Light By Dhar Sc Lond Sc Paris Sc Cal Professor in the Chemistry Department University of Allahabad 25s net Full particulars of the above and Catalogue of Advanced Scientific and Technical Books on application BLACKIE SON Ltd 50 OLD BAILEY LONDON
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