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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1931-1932-488

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Page content

Price Sd Subscription 8s "THE JOURNAL OF EDUCATION" With the issue of January 1930 The Journal of Education" in- corporated "The Educational Times" 1847 It had already incorporated The School World 1899 in June 1918 BEE No one interested in secondary and higher education can afford to be without this paper which contains each month practical and author tative articles Occasional Notes on matters affecting the profession Translation competition special supplement devoted to reviews of books Personal paragraphs Topics and events Foreign and Dominion Notes There is list of Educational Associations each March Scholarship Awards appear each September University and Public School Holidays and Functions are announced in February May and November There are termly Essay Competitions for Senior and Junior Scholars at Secondary Schools BSE LONDON MR WILLIAM RICE LUDGATE BROADWAY Î’ ACCURATE ATTRACTIVE SETS OF BRITISH WEIGHTS NEW Series of British Weights in solid moulded acid proof Bakelite cases especially suitable for use in the tropics as the cases will not shrink or warp Ideal for Schools Colleges etc Prices from per Set Descriptive Pamphlet forwarded on application BAIRD TATLOCK LONDON LTD 14-17 CROSS STREET HATTON GARDEN LONDON
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