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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1931-1932-478

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viii ANNUAL REPORT £3 139 for Chairs and £1 222 for Scholarships and Bursaries the balance £8 640 being unallocated The amount already received was £12 136 of which £4 521 was ear- marked for the Hostel £2 902 for Chairs of which £896 was for the Maurice Chair and £1 146 for Scholarships and Bursaries the balance being £3 566 unallocated The Council record with gratitude the various benefactions made during the past Session The Rev Professor Maurice Relton has given £75 to found an annual prize in Dogmatic Theology to be called the Relton Prize in memory of his father the late Reverend Frederick Relton Fellow of King's College An anonymous donor has provided sum for bursaries for two students in the Theological Department Mrs Harry Lloyd has given portrait of Mr Harry Lloyd to be hung in the Harry Lloyd Library at the Hostel Gifts of books for the Hostel Library are gratefully acknowledged from Mrs Illington in memory of her son Illington formerly student in the Theological Department the Rev Dr Ο Oesterley the Rev Hartwell Jones Mr Η Gladstone and Mrs Farrer General Sir Frederick Maurice has presented portrait of his grand-father Frederick Denison Maurice which has been hung in the Council Room Conclusion We concluded our report on the centenary year of the College with the remark that the future was full of hope for wider opportunities in the work of the Department The year under review has confirmed our belief and the prospects of the year which is now opening seem to be even more encouraging The interest in theological study is evidently spreading and the recognition that expert teaching in this the greatest of subjects is permanent need of the Church is more general than ever before There is an abundant supply of men who desire to be trained for ordination and considerable number of women who wish to equip themselves for teaching Scripture and other religious work We have good reason for thankfulness when we consider the years that are past and for expectation of even greater things in the future We pray that we may have the guidance of the Spirit of God in our effort to make the contribution of King's College Theological Department ever more effective in the life of the Church the Nation and the World APPENDIX LIST OF ORIGINAL PAPERS AND PUBLICATIONS BY THE MEMBERS OF THE THEOLOGICAL FACULTY 1929-30 Bevan Litt LL Thoughts on Indian Discontents Allen Unwin The Hope of World to Come underlying Christianity and Judaism Arthur Davis Lecture Allen Unwin
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