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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1931-1932-476

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vi ANNUAL REPORT Corporation General Fund Account -The Corporation received £350 for rent of rooms leased to University of London King's College reduction of £45 on the amount received in recent years as the Council have resumed possession of Room 16c hitherto leased to the Delegacy With interest on loans and bank deposit and sundry other income the balance in hand was increased from £2 005 14s to £2 453 2s 4d but this has now been reduced to £1 398 2s 6d by the writing off of the balance of the deficit which was taken over by the Council at the time of the incorporation of the secular side in the University and which for some years has remained at £1 054 19s lOd Theological Hostel Account -The financial position of the Hostel continues to be satisfactory and the year's working resulted in credit balance of £361 10s 5d This balance has been transferred to the Reserve Fund thereby raising that fund to £586 12s Id from which the Council have transferred £400 to the Hostel Building Fund Hostel Building Fund -The accounts show that the total expendi- ture on the new wing of the Hostel amounted to £14 155 12s lid The amount already transferred from the Centenary Appeal Fund amounts to £7 650 while £1 400 has been transferred from the surplus on the Hostel Current Account during the past three years The debt now stands at £4 553 18s 2d which it is hoped will eventually be met from contributions to the Centenary Appeal Fund Death op Archbishop Lord Davidson The death of Archbishop Lord Davidson was not only loss to the Church and Nation but also to King's College The late Archbishop had been Visitor of the College during the whole time of his occupancy of the see of Canterbury and had always taken deep interest in the wel- fare of the College In the difficult situation which was brought about by the proposals to reorganise the University the Archbishop generously gave much time and trouble to the affairs of the College and exerted his influence in the House of Lords and elsewhere to safeguard the position of King's College and the Theological Department It was very largely due to his intervention that clauses were introduced into the Act which preserve the independence not only of King's College Theological Depart- ment but also of the other Theological Colleges in the University On his retirement from the Archbishopric he was elected fellow of the College and member of the Council He was never able to attend meeting but his last public utterance was made in King's College on the subject of Christian Unity when he took the Chair for the Bishop of Gloucester's first lecture Life Governor The Right Honourable Earl Beauchamp Chancellor of the University has been nominated by the Archbishop of Canterbury as Life Governor Hostel The Hostel has been full during the whole Session and it has again been necessary to seekrooms in Vincent Square for residentswhocouldnot
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