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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1931-1932-473

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the THEOLOCtICAL depabtment of king's college london university of london ANNUAL REPORT OF THE COUNCIL FOR THE SESSION 1929-30 Presented to the COURT of the COLLEGE on Tuesday December 1930 at We have again to record an increase in the number of men students in the Theological Department There were 162 regular undergraduate day students in the Session 1929-30 as compared with 144 in the previou8 Session Post-graduate students also increased in number being 15 as compared with 10 were reading for Hons for Ph and for The number of Evening men students shows an advance upon last Session In 1929-30 there were 46 men students in the evening classes compared with 35 in 1928-29 These included reading for Inter and for final Special courses were taken by 17 men as compared with last year Occasional students numbered 18 The evening matriculation class numbered 40 excluding those who had definitely entered for theological course The total number of men in the Department in the day and evening courses was 253 which compares with 208 in the preceding Session Seventy-three women students took courses in the Department an in- crease of 13 over last year This total included 19 graduates 49 women were reading for an examination in the University or elsewhere were reading for the for 18 for the Lambeth Diploma 11 for London Diploma and 11 for the Certificate in Religious Knowledge for an American degree for the Diploma for Extension Students The daily services in the College Chapel have been maintained and the attendance of members of the College particularly on the occasion of the opening of term has been in some cases greater than the capacity of the Chapel No way of enlarging the seating accommodation appears to be possible Professor Rogers has again supervised the singing and the work of the student organists which has been well performed The organ has not broken down but is in urgent need of drastic renova- tion the cost of which would be Ā£2000 We have not yet seen our way to deal with this problem which will it is expected soon become acute Divinity lectures for members of other Faculties were given by the
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