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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1931-1932-447

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xxxviii ANNUAL REPORT Diploma in Engineering and 14 obtained the Certificate in Engineering In the Special Intermediate Sc Eng Examination 20 candidates passed and were referred Upon the retirement of Professor Ernest Wilson Professor Jameson was elected Dean for the period 1st August to 31st December 1930 Professor Cook consented to continue as Vice-Dean Professor John Keats Catterson-Smith Eng L'pool was appointed to the Siemens Chair of Electrical Engineering in sue- cession to Professor Ernest Wilson He comes to the College from Bangalore where he has been the Professor of Electrical Engineering during the past seven years The scheme for Alternative Papers at the Sc Eng Examination for Internal Students which was sanctioned by the Senate for the period 1927-30 was considered by the Faculty and owing to its success- ful operation it was recommended that it should be continued Mr Paul Diploma 1926 was awarded Premium by the Institution of Electrical Engineers for his paper on The Oil-immersed Circuit-breaker Mr Walters who graduated in 1912 read Paper before the Institution of Water Engineers on The Hydro- Geology of the Chalk of England Other distinctions gained by former students of the Faculty of Engineering are recorded on xi Department op Civil Engineering The number of Third Year students in the Department was 10 and there were in addition Post-graduate students Research work was actively carried on during the Session The Professor continued to serve on the British Engineering Standards Association's Committee on Cast-iron Pipes Transmission Dynamometer invented by Mr White and Mr Gifien has been fitted between the 4-inch Centrifugal Pump and its electric motor and has proved very successful Cathetometer has also been added to the equipment The repairs to the grip-holders of the 112-ton Testing Machine have been completed enabling full load in tension to be satisfactorily attained course of three public lectures on Bridges and Bridge Construe- tion was given during the Session by Dr Lobban Department op Mechanical Engineering Ten students in the Third Year took Group Î’ Mechanical Engineer- ing subjects in Part II of the Final Examination Of these obtained First Class Honours and Second Class Honours One candidate took the External Sc Eng Examination and obtained Second Class Honours One Post-graduate student was working in the Department during the Session Farnborough Indicator was lent to the Department by the Air Ministry for use in Dr Davies's researches Professor Cook continued to serve as member of the Springs Com- mittee of the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research and as
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