Calendar: 1931-1932 Page 426
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annual report xvii Further considerable extensions were made in the heating system The rooms added to the system include nearly all those in which alterations have been made and the whole of the South-West Block to the inadequacy of the heating of which reference has been made in previous Reports The most urgent problem of the future is the construction of new Department of Anatomy and the reconstruction and extension of the Chemical Laboratories when Anatomy has vacated its present quarters The completion of the building programme outlined above will make it possible to begin the erection of the new Anatomy Department upon the northern end of the College building immediately funds are available 12 Hostels The Phtanes -The Hostel had its full complement of resident students at the beginning of the Session and there was substantial waiting list Dr Cove-Smith resigned his appointment as Warden on account of the pressure of his professional duties Mr James Livingstone former student of the College and member of the staff of the Hospital was appointed in his place November 1929 King's College Hostel for Women -All the rooms were full at the beginning of the Session and there was substantial waiting list Miss Maud Carter resigned her position as Matron at the end of the Michaelmas Term and Miss Gwendolen Hindes Sc Manchester was appointed to succeed her 13 College Societies and Activities Throughout the year the Union Society and its various branches were vigorous and flourishing new activity has found scope in the formation of the King's College Sailing Club The usual festivities were associated with Commemoration Week the Commemoration Orator was Sir Josiah Stamp Sc and the Chairman of the Council the Lord Bishop of London delivered the Commemoration Sermon The Commemoration Dance was held at the Portman Rooms The Principal's Cup was again secured by the Faculty of Arts Both the Dramatic Society and the Musical Society made ambitious ventures The former achieved an excellent performance of Flecker's Don Juan" in the Michaelmas Term the latter in the Lent Term produced Vaughan Williams' Hugh the Drover with great success Public performances were also given by the Cercle Fran ais of Bloeh's unpublished play Sous les genoux des Amazones and by the Literary Society of Yeats The Countess Cathleen and France The Comedy of Dumb Wife The King's College Review was reorganised larger proportion of space being now devoted to College news five numbers instead of four a3
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