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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1931-1932-409

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420 BENEFACTIONS TO KING COLLEGE LONDON 1930 Professor Smiles and Professor Allmand The foundation of medal to commemorate the services rendered to the College and to Chemical education by Professor John Millar Thomson LL who served for twenty-seven years as Daniell Professor and Head of the Department of Chemistry and who retired in 1914 after forty- three years on the staff of the College The medal is awarded annually to the student who shall have most distinguished himself in the final year of the Special Honours course in the Department of Chemistry Harry Lloyd Esq gift of his portrait to the Theological Hostel Emeritus Professor Barclay-Smith gift of pictures and books to the Theological Hostel The Executors of the late Miss Alice Cockerill gift of pictures to the Theological Hostel Mr Comper gift of books to the Theological Hostel Thomas Wall Trustees An endowment of 100 for Read- ing Prize in the Department of Education The Kestner Evaporator and Engineering Company Ltd through the Chairman Arthur Reavell Esq still specially designed for the College for use in the Chemical Engineering Department of the value of about 250 The Hon Vera Sanders Executrix of the late Miss Ε Sanders collection of over 100 books dealing with religious life in France in the 17th century The Rubber Growers' Association gift of 50 and also of the crude rubber used for the flooring of part of the new East Wing This gift was made in connection with the Centenary Appeal Fund of the College Professor Ο Oesterley Μ Α gift to the Library of about 190 volumes from his father's library deal- ing with History German French and English Literature The gift included set of Ranke's works 61 volumes Professor Catterson-Smith Eng Μ Ι Ε Ε William Siemens Professor book by his father Catterson- Smith Esq Drawing from Memory and Mind Picturing also an instrument designed by himself called Temperature Indicator the former for the Library and the latter for the Electrical Engineering Laboratories Lipman Esq former Student of the Engineering Faculty in conjunction with Messrs Nalder Bros Thompson Ltd Lipman Type Induction Ammeter and Alternating Current Directional Relay to the Electrical Engineering Department
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