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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1931-1932-382

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NAMES OF ASSOCIATES 391 Elected Name Faculty 1928 Bennett Norbury Anderson Sc Engineering 1928 Bird Archibald Brian Theology 1924 Blake Frederick Hyde Sc Engineering 1929 Boulton Cecil Dudley Clair Theology 1930 Bourne Charles Wittiver Wilfrid Theology 1926 Bowker Henry Charles Sc Eng Ph Engineering 1926 Bowthorpe Stella Sc Science 1926 Box Hubert Stanley Theology 1929 Boyd William Green Arts 1930 Bradbury Arthur Theology 1926 Bradshaw Norman William Sc Science 1931 Bramley Jack Alexander Theology 1930 Bray Kenneth Frank Theology 1927 Brierley Philip Reginald Sc Engineering 1930 Brooks Francis Thomas Theology 1927 Brown Evelyn Ellen Arte 1927 Brown Robert Chandler Sc Engineering 1926 Budd Kenneth George Theology 1931 Bull Winifred Maud Arts 1931 Burling Sidney John Theology 1928 Burrell Mary Edith Francis Arte 1927 Campbell Ian Drammond Sc Engineering 1927 Canby Mervyn Theology 1928 Cantle Albert Arte 1927 Capon Norah Beatrice Arts 1930 Carson Harold Theology 1925 Chamberlain Frank Noel Theology 1928 Checksfield Frederic Victor Arte 1927 Clark Cecil Theology 1931 Clemo Mildred Lilian Arts 1930 Close Reginald Arthur Arts 1930 Colebrook Irene Phyllis Art 1925 Coleman William David Sc Science 1930 Colverson Margaret Florence Mary Sc Science 1925 Cook William Arthur Sc Engineering 1928 Cooke Alfred Gordon Theology 1931 Cooke John Hinton Sc Science 1928 Cooper Gertrude Mabel Sc nee Charles Medicine 1931 Copeland Amy Ruth Arts 1929 Coste Margaret Amy Sc Science 1929 Coulson Henry James Theology 1928 Ooverdale Edith Gladys Arte 1928 Cowans Walter Stanley Theology 1928 Coward Marjorie Alice Arte 1928 Cox Charles John Arte 1929 Crafts Doris Marie Sc Science 1928 Craske Frederick William Thomas Arte 1930 Cree James Douglas Beckett Theology 1926 Cresswell Alfred Theology 1926 Crichlow Thomas Vaughlee Sc Medicine 1925 Crotch Walter John Blyth Arts 1927 Curtis Jessie Arts 1928 Dalton Ronald Theology 1929 Dangerfleld Arthur Thomas Theology 1931 Dark Sidney Oliver Stanley Sc Science 1928 Davies Evelyn Mary Arts 1929 Davies John Wilton Arte 1926 Davis Allan Thomas Sc Engineering 1930 Davis Ralph Leigh Theology 1929 Dean Cyril John Howard Theology 1928 Dearden John William Arte 1926 Dinsmore Eric Robert Sc Science 1926
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