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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1931-1932-381

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390 NAMES OF ASSOCIATES Privileges of Associates Associates of King's College have the following privileges pro- vided they keep their names on the Register of Graduates and Diploma Students the fee for which is £1 10 They can take part in the election of two members of the Council of King's College They can attend the lectures given in the Faculty of Theology at reduction of 20 per cent on the whole course for the Associate- ship or the Course at fee of guineas term Admission to College lectures and classes exclusive of labora- tories at reduction of 20 per cent Admission to the Library free of charge during the period of study Receipt of copy of the Annual College Report PAST AND PRESENT ASSOCIATES OF KING'S COLLEGE LONDON Elected since 1924 For the names of those elected previously to 1866 see the Calendars for 1865-6 and 1896-7 For those elected between 1866 and 1880 inclusive see Calendar of 1889-1900 For those elected between 1880 and 1904 inclusive see Calendar of 1911-12 For those elected between 1905 and 1906 inclusive see Calendar of 1915-16 For those elected between 1906 and 1914 inclusive see Calendar of 1919-20 For those elected between 1915 and 1924 inclusive see Calendar of 1925-26 Elected Name Faculty 1929 Aldridge Alec Lancelot Arts 1927 Adkins Sidney Stapleton Theology 1928 Ames Bernard Biddiscombe Arte 1927 Arnold Jessie Spray Arts 1928 Arnold Phyllis Mary Β Arts 1931 Aubin Hammond Charles Theology 1931 Ayre George Theology 1928 Bailey Eric Charles Theology 1929 Baker Lancelot Fagge Theology 1927 Balcombe Frederick James Sc Science 1929 Ball Edna Florence Sc Science 1929 Barnes Kenneth Roy Theology 1926 Barnes Leonard Learmouth Sc Engineering 1929 Barritt Frederick Earn Sc Science 1930 Bartlett John Henry Theology 1929 Barton Henry Herbert Theology 1927 Bashford Roy Cedric Sc Engineering 1926 Bates Patrick Scott Curling Theology 1931 Bates Stanley Theology 1927 Battersby Reginald St John Beardsworth Theology 1929 Bayley Frederick Ernest Theology 1929 Beale Stanley Arts 1931 Beaufoy Leroy Arthur Sc Engineering 1928 Beck Henry Wolferstan Theology 1929 Behmber Alfred Felix Sc Science 1927 Bell Margaret Mary Arts 1929 Bennett Alice Rowe Arts
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