Calendar: 1931-1932 Page 377
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386 LIST OF FELLOWS Date of Election 1929 Harrowing Sir John 1898 Hartley Sir Walter Noel CS 1893 Hayes Prof 1905 Headlam Rev Arthur Oayley 1926 Hearnshaw Prof Fossey John Cobb Μ Δ 1909 Henniker-Heaton 1905 Herroun Edward Felix LC 1921 Hewlett Prof Richard Tanner 1896 Hicks Rev Edward 1923 Highfleld John Somerville InstC 1912 Hoare Rev Canon Richard Whitehead 1903 Hole Rev Charles 1931 Hollis Rev Frederick James 1902 Hughes Mrs 1898 Hughes Sir Walter Charleton CLE Inst 1906 Huntington Prof Alfred Kirby 1925 Hyde Rev Prebendary Henry Barry 1927 Hyde Sir Clarendon 1929 Inge The Very Rev William Ralph Dean of St Paul's 1907 Jackson Prof Sir Herbert 1924 Jameson Professor Alexander Hope Sc Inst 1904 Jelf Colonel Richard Henry 1921 Jenkins Rev Professor Canon Claude 1895 Johnson George Stillingfleet 1897 Kenny Alexandra Symonds 1890 Kerr Prof Robert 1899 Kimber James Inst 1926 Kingston-Fowler Sir James Sc 1919 Kirkaldy Prof Patrick Henry 1924 Knight The Right Rev Samuel Kirshbaum Μ Α Bishop of Jarrow 1899 Knowling Rev Canon Richard John 1907 Laughton Prof Sir John Knox Kt Hon Litt Hon Litt 1898 Leathes Rev Stanley 1916 Legg Rev Stanley Charles Edmund 1890 Le Quesne Lt -Col Ferdinand Simeon 1892 Lister Lord 1929 Lloyd Harry 1899 Lord Walter Frewen 1907 Low Sir Sidney 1891 Lowther Right Hon James William Viscount Ullswater 1900 Lyall Sir Charles James CLE 1918 Lydall Francis 1922 Lyle Herbert Willoughby 1898 McCaul Rev Alexander Israel 1905 Macdonald Greville 1927 Mackay Herbert James Hay 1926 Marsh Rev Frederick Shipley 1899 Martin Prof Sir Charles James Sc 1929 Masaryk Thomas Ph President of Czecho-Slovakia 1918 Matthews Rev Prof Canon Walter Robert Μ Δ 1915 May Surg Vice-Admiral Sir Arthur William 1897 McHardy Prof Malcolm Macdonald 1929 McKenna The lit Hon Reginald 1916 Mellish Rev Edward Noel 1901 Micklethwaite John Thomas 1895 Miller Mrs Agnes 1927 Moore Mre Stuart 1890 Moriarty Lewis Martin 1929 Mowat Brig -General Magnus Inst Mech 1909 Nairne Rev Canon Alexander 1894 Naville Edouard Henri Litt Phil Deceased
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