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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1931-1932-361

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368 NAMES OF ASSOCIATES SCHOLARS AND PRIZE-WINNERS ACADEMIC YEAR 1930-31 FACULTY OF ARTS 1Recommen&e& for tbe Bssociatesbip Bull Winifred Maud Clemo Mildred Lilian Close Reginald Arthur Copeland Amy Ruth Dougan Gladys Edwards Gwendolen Annie Guinness Gerald Henry Hadlow Frank Lewis Harris Muriel Grace Harris Olivia Mary Katrina Hitchins Arthur Cyril Howard Roy Charles Kimble George Herbert Lucken Emma Macdonald Kenneth Roy Moy Archibald Frank Park Elizabeth Helen BJl Price Gladys Nora Melvina Pruden Edith Sarah Puddifoot Gladys Rattenbury John Gordon Tate Kathleen Phillis Tresidder Wilfred John Walker Ethel Mary Weait Alice Ruth Î’ WTiitfield George Joshua Newbold Wimble Adeline Mary 5tu&ent8bips Inglit English Paramour Winifred Maud Jnglis History Poole Stanley Serbo-Croat Fetterlein Paul Scbolarsbips History Bursary Milne Robert Dodds Henry Neville Gladstone Lomax John Henry Sambrooke Classics Snowman Hilda Skinners' Company's Sackett Brenda Margaret Merchant Taylors' Company's No award Hubert Hail Palaography John Marshall Slavonic Palacky Czecho-Slovat Harry Divinity Men Women Barr Memorial Classics Brewer History Brewer Prize for English Literature Stephen Essay Early English Text Society Carter Prise English Verse Gladstone Memorial Award postponed Kicbolle Robert William Woodman Donald William James Burr Lilian Maud Woodman Donald William James Pocock Dorothy Mary iTatham Eliiabsth Susan Grice Frederick Goldie Isobel Mary Gray Harold Manser Roy Albert Cawte Lawrence Henry Nicliolls Robert William Poole Stanley
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