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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1931-1932-355

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362 UNIVERSITY DEGREES UNIVERSITY EXHIBITION 1931 Rayment Thomas James So SPECIAL HONOURS EXAMINATION First Class 1031 Chillingworth Henry Robert Davey Edward Philip Pry Donald William Ghosh Ajoy Rumar Goddard Harry Warren Land Prank William Sumner Richard Toyn Taylor James Haward Maths Pt II Chemistry Physics Physics Geography Maths Pt II Physics Geology Second Class Abbott Arthur Frederick Physics Anderson William Preston Physics Barry William James Chemistry Bartlett Konald George Chemistry Belham Norman Douglas Nathaniel Physics Clark Stanley Hayward Maths Pt Desmond David Jocelyn Physics Dollar Archibald Thomas John Geology Flutter Leonard Sidney Maths Pt Gale Evelelne Mllllcent Geology Hayblttle Christabel Annie Botany Hearn George Leslie Physics Lamb James Chemistry Lamb Victor Maths Pt Linton Jessie Elizabeth Physics Mackle Margaret Jessie Botany Martin Geoflrey Lionel Fraser Psychology Newman Ivor Fortune Physics Pace Walter Alfred George Geography Phillips Prlscllla Dorothy Physics Preston William λ Chemistry Secret Kenneth William Chemistry Sheppard George Wilhelm Chemistry Templeman William Gladstone Botany Turner Nora Harriett Maria Physics Webb Philip Charles Richard Botany Whitehead John William Weatherall Physics Woolgar Cedric Warren Chemistry Wright Eileen Chemistry Pass Bere Doris Maths Pt Davie John Hugh Botany Kelly Frederick Leo Geography Kent Bernard Arthur Stevens Chemistry Laker Alice Mary Botany Lewis Arthur Picton Kossiter Physiology Price Constance Geography Woodhouse Bessie Geography Young Hilda May Geology SC GENERAL HONOURS EXAMINATION First Class King William Henry Tovey Philip Godfrey
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