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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1931-1932-339

Please note: The digitised calendars in this site have had their contents extracted using OCR (optical character recognition) and as a result, there may be occasional errors in the text. We are working on correcting these errors, but this may take some time.

Page content

STUDENTS OF KOta'S COLLEGE LONDON Gosden Vernon James Hammond Dorothy Evening Martin Geoffrey Lionel Fraser Pace Walter Alfred George REGISTERED EXTERNAL STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF LONDON Day Acton Herbert George Leroy Bomford Donald James Brabban Donald Calderwood John Dodd Roland Farr Bernard Ough Eric Jocelyn Thomas Peter Arthur Aubrey Unsworth Frank OTHER REGULAR STUDENTS Day Crapper Harold de Worms Charles George Maurice Cantab Goodwin Frank Leslie Goss John Graham Kent Helen Joan Millward Stanley Rumsey Arnold Arthur OCCASIONAL STUDENTS Day Black James Alexander Edmond Bradbury Samuel Butler Isabella Margaret Gertrude Cantab Crichlow Thomas Vaughlee Sc Davies Hugh William Goswami Chatra Puri Grant Colin Hewitt William Geoffrey Hilton Elfrida Lilian Gwendolen Sc Humphreys-Owen Elizabeth Mary Kirby Augustus Pepper Ethel Elizabeth Alice Rekhi Raseela Punjab Robinson Oliver Waring Tweed Ronald Duncan Bennett Hilda Evening Wilshere Phyllis Naomi Oxon POST-GRADUATE AND RESEARCH STUDENTS Full-time Anderson Basil William Sc Barber Harry James Ph Behmber Alfred Felix Sc Biggs Joan Mary Sc Ext Sc Wales Boohariwalla Dady Barjorji Sc Bombay Brady John Pemberton Sc Brinsmead Eva Sc Builder Geoffrey Sc Australia Burrage Leslie James Sc Chalklin Letitia Pulley Sc Ph Chapman Frederick William Sc Cofman Victor Sc Nancy Cox Ronald James Sc Craggs Harold Cleveland 11 Sc Denisoff Alexander Konstantinovitsh Ph Leningrad Deodhar Ganesh Bhaskar Sc Alia- habad D'Silva John Leonard Sc Dolby Richard Malcolm Sc New Zealand Duncan Donald Russell Sc Ewing Colin James Craig Sc Goodier Jack Sc Goodwin Kathleen Mary Sc Gregory Melville Sc Griggs Raymond James Sc Hakomori Shinichiro Sc Japan Hawes William Bernard Sc Henderson John Tasker Sc McGill Hedayetullah Syed Sc Calcutta Ho Pin-Chuan Sc Nanking Keast George Frederick Sc Langstroth George Otty Dal- housie Ph MacGill Levi Alfred Aaron Sc New Zealand Lizins John Leonard Sc Mathur Shian Narain Alia- habad Newman Ivor Vickery Sc Sydney
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