Calendar: 1931-1932 Page 292
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Page content
29Γ NAMES OF PBOFESSOES ETC Name Cremer Herbert William Sc Chem Cronne Henry Alfred Dale John Borthwick Davies Evan Tom Sc Ph Davies Francis Davies Sydney John Sc Ph Mech Dawes Benjamin Day Mabel Lit Dearmer Bev Canon Psrcy Μ Α ו Hon Oeiaveaay Jean Ade l'Univ Dickie Enid Austin Dodds Bev Maltland Theophiloe Dolley LeeUe George Francis Sc Ph Driver Cecil Herbert Edward Benjamin Alfred Sc Fairbourne Arthur Sc L0 Fisher Joseph William Sc Ph Flint Henry Thomas Sc Ph Gadd Cyril John alias Helene -en-D iarmonsway George Noman Gates Reginald Buggies Sc Ph LL irlden Edmund So Mech Gladstone Reginald John Gordon William Thomas Sc ן lore Rt Rev Bishop Charles regg Sidney John Sc Ph Uadfleld James Arthur Ch Rales John Francis Ball Edward Basil Uallett Harold Foster Litt ----- Hallctt Henry Gerard Haltenhoff Adolph George Hanak Jan Handford Stanley Alexander Hanson Rev Richard Harley Herbert Sidney Harrison George Bagshawe Ph Hearnshaw Fossey John Cobb LL Henderson James li Sc Ph Title Subject or Department Date of first Appoint-ment in the College Senior Lecturer 1914 1931 Asst Professor Mathematics 1894 Mathematics 1930 Reader 1930 Mech Engin 192C Asst Lecturer Zoology 1930 English 1912 Eccle Art 1919 Assistant 1929 Library 1930 Asst Warden and Tutor Theological Hostel 1938 Asst Lecturer Chemistry 1923 History 1924 Lecturer Mathematics 1927 Hon Lecturer Chemistry 1920 Asst Lecturer Physics 1923 Physics 1920 Hon Lecturer Assyriology 1924 Assistant 1930 Lecturer English 1930 Professor 1919 Mech Engin 1927 Lecturer 1912 Professor 1913 -Dogmatic Theology 1919 Asst Lecturer Chemistry 192C Lecturer Psychology 1920 Assistant Librarian1 1909 Senior Lecturer Classics 1917 Philosophy 1931 Asst to the 1920 Secretary1 1912 Czecho-Slovak 1930 Lecturer Classics 1923 1920 Accountant 1919 English 1924 Modern History 1912 Mathematics 1924
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