Calendar: 1931-1932 Page 241
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241 Eventno department Dean of the Department 1931-32 Professor Hearnshaw LL Sub-Dean Ε Hall GENERAL INFORMATION Classes for Evening Instruction are held in connection with the Faculties of Theology Arts and Laws They are intended to provide instruction similar to that given in the daytime for those who are unable to attend the Day Classes The Sub-Dean will be at the College from to 30 on the Monday preceding the Opening of the Session and throughout the remainder of the first week to interview new Students and for the purpose of admitting other Students New Students should endeavour to apply on Monday Personal application must be made to the Sub- Dean whenever possible but Students in their fourth or later year only may in case of necessity apply in writing for their admittance form provided that their present address and full details of the Course are given All Students must in the first instance consult the Sub- Dean before attending lectures except Occasional Students and those wishing to take the Diploma or Matriculation Course who should apply direct to the College Office Post-Graduate Students should if possible obtain their admittance forms from the Dean of the Faculty concerned but may in case of necessity do so through the Sub-Dean of the Evening Department The times when the Sub-Dean may be interviewed after the first week of Term will be posted on the notice board in the East Wing Complete schemes of study are arranged for men and women students of the University of London who wish to take the Special Intermediate Examinations for Internal Students held at the College in Theology Arts and Laws These courses provide the minimum number of hours of instruction required in the year by the University Regulations 192 in Theology and Arts but for an evening student who can produce from his or her employer certificate of being em- ployed for not less than 25 hours week this number is reduced to 176 Students are reminded of the importance of their being regular in attendance at lectures as before they can sit for their examina- tions it is required by the University Regulations that their forms be signed by the Dean testifying to the fact that their attendance has been satisfactory Students who are absent from lectures through illness or other unavoidable cause are requested in their own interests to communicate with the Sub-Dean at the earliest opportunity In the Faculty of Arts complete courses are arranged for the Inter- mediate Examination and for the Final Honours Examinations Evening Class Students who have matriculated at the University of London and are pursuing full course for the degree and have paid
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