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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1931-1932-228

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226 FACULTY OF ENGINEERING Laboratory -Lent Term one afternoon week Easter Term hours per week The Testing of Indicators Pressure Gauges and other apparatus used in Engine Trials-Experiments involving the use of Indicator Diagrams-Simple Engine Trials-Calorimetry Course of Lectures on the Testing of Power Plant will be given in Laboratory time Z5-Surveying Second Year Michaelmas and Lent Terms -One lecture and hours' Practical Work per week Chain Surveying and Plotting-Computation of Areas-Levelling- Sections-Contour Lines-Instruments employed their Construction Adjustment and Use-Angular Surveying Instruments employed their Construction Adjustment and Use-Triangulation-Base Lines -Open and Closed Traversing-Plotting by rectangular co-ordinates -The Plane Table-Tacheometry-Underground Surveying-Marine Surveying-Soundings-Setting Out Circular Curves Tunnels &0 Elementary Geometrical Optics as applied to Surveying Instruments Easter Term -One whole day per week Practical Work Location of an Engineering Project-Preliminary Survey-Setting Out Plotting Contoured Plans-Trial and Final Sections fee -Ā£6 6s z0-Theory of Heat Engines Third Year One lecture week Principles of Heat Transmission Internal Combustion Engines-Discussion of various types- Volumetric Heat of Gases including Effect of variable Specific Heat-Ideal Cycles and Practical Limits to Performance of Engines Steam Jets and Nozzles-Heat Drop and Velocity Calculations- Frictional Losses-Supersaturation-Impulse and Reaction Turbines -Condensers Mechanical Refrigeration-Carnot's principle-Reversed Carnot and Stirling Cycles for perfect Gases-Bell-Coleman Air Machine-Vapour Compression Machines-Absorption Machines Compressed Air Machinery Laboratory -One half-day per week throughout the Session Complete efficiency tests of Steam Engines Internal Combustion Engines Boilers Air Compressor Refrigerator-The Calorimetry of Solid Liquid and Gaseous Fuels
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