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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1931-1932-222

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220 FACULTY OF ENGINEERING The Diploma or Certificate is accepted by the Institution of Electrical Engineers as exempting from the Associate Membership Examination provided that electrical subjects are taken The Certificate or Diploma of student who has satisfactorily undertaken not less than four months' practical training during his Course will be endorsed to that effect on production of certificate from the employer -In all subjects for the Diploma and Certificate other than Mathematics Chemistry of Metals and Engineering Geology an ex- aminalion of the Student's Course work forms an integral part of the examination FEES All Fees are payable in advance -Registration Fees Registration Fee of £1 Is must be paid by each regular student upon acceptance by the Dean of the Faculty This fee is non-returnable and in the event of non-entry it is forfeited In addition further charge of £1 Is is made to each Overseas student upon acceptance This fee is deducted from the general Tuition Fees upon entry but in the event of non-entry it is forfeited -Composition Fees fob the Regijlar Undergraduate Course Tuition Fees including Locker rent Intermediate Course £50 8s per annum Final Course £63 per annum Materials Fees For the use of ordinary materials and apparatus Students pay an inclusive fee of £3 3s per annum The Tuition Fees are reduced 20 per cent in the case of boys who enter the College direct from King's College School or from Strand School provided they have attended at least five School Terms Subject to the approval of the Dean of the Faculty and of the Lecturer concerned Regular Student in this Faculty may take any one Class in any other Faculty without extra tuition fee -Composition Fees for Post-Graduate Courses Sc Eng -The Composition Fee for Students pursuing regular course of study for the Internal Sc Degree and re- ceiving individual help in the preparation of their Thesis is £21 per annum For Graduates of the College and other Internal Graduates who do not take the full course for which the above Composition Fee is prescribed Special Fee will in each case be arranged in accordance with the nature of the individual course pursued All King's College Graduates who wish to continue their studies in any subject though not actually pursuing post-graduate course under the conditions set out above may by the payment of
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