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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1930-1931-305

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FACULTY OF MEDICAL SCIENCE 313 Reader 1921 Doris Livingston Mackinnon Sc Hon Lecturer 1927 julian sorell huxley Lecturers 1901 Herbert Willoughby Lyle 1919 Doris Livingston Mackinnon Sc 1919 MAKQAKEI TRIBE Sc 1907 George Edward Kicholls Sc 1927 Francis William Rogers Brambell 1911 Bichard Williams Harold Row Sc Ph Sc Assistant Lecturer 1930 Benjamin Dawes Demonstrators 1906 William Woodland Sc 1925 Marjorie Erskine Shaw Sc 1916 Erik Hamilton Sc 1927 Maria adriana Tazelaar Sc 1918 Margaret Tribe Sc 1928 Maud Jessie Norris Sc 1921 Leslie Muriel Frederick Sc 1929 Marjorie Allanson Sc 1923 Humphrey Godwin Billinghurst Assistant Demonstrators 1907 Richard Williams Harold Row Sc 1920 Humphrey Godwin Billinghurst 1914 Erik Hamilton Sc PSYCHOLOGY See under Faculty of Arts For Practical Chemistry Comparative Anatomy Mineralogy Geology and Mineralogy Geology and Geography tcith Mineralogy Biology Natural History and Comparative Pathology and Bacteriology see former Calendars VL Jfacultg of Jttibical Sciittce For Botany Zoology and Bacteriology see under Faculty of Science ANATOMY Professors 1830 Herbert Mayo 1905 Peter Thompson 1836 Richard Partridge 1909 David Waterston 1873 John Cumow 1915 Edward Barclay-Smith 1897 Alfred William Hugljes Oh Oamb 1927 Duncan MacCallum Blair 1900 Arthur Robinson CM Ch Readers 1925 Reginald John Gladstone 1930 Francis Daties Sc Lecturers 1911 Alexander MacPhail CM 1928 CECIL Pembrey WAKELEY 1912 Reginald John Gladstone CP 1930 REGINALD JOHN GLADSTONE 1928 Violet Alice Penrose Coqhill Oh Lecturers in Applied Anatomy 1899 Arthur Wellesley Cadman 1913 Sidney Arthur Boyd 1905 George John Jenkins CM 1925 alwyne c0mpton Secretary of the Anatomical Committee of Great Britain and Ireland
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