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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1927-1928-98

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94 king's college london All Students other than those of the Faculty of Theology must subscribe their names in the presence of the Principal or his repre- sentative to declaration that they will conform to all the College Rules and Regulations Students in the Faculty of Theology must make similar declaration in the presence of the Dean or his repre- sentative in the manner usual in that Faculty Except by the special permission of the Principal no men Students are admitted to the College under sixteen years of age and no women students under eighteen years of age Students preparing for the Examinations of the University of London must make themselves acquainted with the Regulations of the University regarding Registration attendance at recognised courses filling in of Schedules payment of Examination Fees and other matters Copies of these Regulations can be obtained at the College Office on application and it is the duty of Students to see that they are registered and that all the necessary schedules are properly completed The College will not accept any responsibility in the case of non-compliance with these regulations but the Registrar may be consulted in any difficulty Attendance at Lectures and Examinations All students must be regular and punctual in attendance at Lectures Classes and Examinations register is kept to which reference is made for the purpose of attesting attendances as qualifying for admission to University and other Examinations No Student can claim to be registered as attending unless he be present at the time the roll is taken 10 Unavoidable absence from single Lecture or Class should be explained to the Teacher concerned at the next lecture or class of the course The Teacher will if satisfied mark the absence as excused in the Register Reason for absence from two or more lectures or classes must be explained to the Dean of the Faculty who will if satisfied by such explanation report to the Registration Clerk that such absence is excused An absence from College of full week or more unless permission has been obtained in advance can be excused only on the ground of illness and in such case medical certificate must be produced The Register with the Dean's report and medical certificate will thus constitute the record of the attendance of Student The Student on his return to the College must report his return to the Dean 11 certificate of satisfactory attendance good conduct and proficiency is required before the payment of any emolument is made to Scholar or Exhibitioner Conduct op Examinations 12 An Examination Time-Table will be published for each Faculty and the Room in which each Examination will be held will be indicated thereon
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