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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1927-1928-87

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Page content

general information 83 separate record sheet is kept for each student in College and will record membership of all athletic clubs and of all committees of the various organizations of the College These records are available for the Deans of Faculties and any student may see his own record sheet OFFICERS TRAINING CORPS University of London Contingent Adjutant and Secretary to the Military Education Committee -Capt Martin Smith Headquarters -46 Russell Square Applications for information and membership should be made to the Adjutant at Headquarters for Engineers Field Ambu- lance to Captain Worsley Î’ Company for Infantry at the Union Society Office and to Captain Worsnop for Sound Ranging at the Wheatstone Laboratory KING'S COLLEGE GYMNASIUM AND BOXING CLUB Captain Stuyck Arts Secretary Blacklock The Boxing Club meets every Friday at 30 in the Gymnasium under an excellent instructor All are urged to increase the numbers attending All interested in Gymnastics are asked to come to the Gymnasium at on the first Friday in Term to see if the numbers warrant the engaging of the services of an instructor KING'S COLLEGE GOLF CLUB Captain Craven Secretary Guthrie King's College has arrangements with Potters Bar West Essex Kaynes Park and Thames Ditton Clubs whereby members may play at reduced green fees good fixture list of matches for next season has been arranged There is an annual subscription of 2s 6d
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