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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1927-1928-464

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IV ANNUAL REPORT vigorous operation than at any time since the Incorporation and this satisfactory position is in large measure due to the sympathy of the Principal who loses no opportunity of commending the lectures Public Lectures Several important public lectures have been given in connection with the Theological Department In the Michaelmas Term Mr Sidney Smith lectured on The Seals of Western Asia and Mr Gadd on the Science of Divination In the Lent term two courses of lectures were given under the auspices of the Theological Faculty of the Uni- versity Professor Gressmann of the University of Berlin on The Problem of the Development in late-Hellenistic Judaism and Pro- fessor Peake of the University of Manchester on The Servant of Jahweh Mr Smith gave lecture on Early Arabian Tribes During the Session Professor Rogers has again arranged series of lectures on Ecclesiastical Music He also arranged several organ recitals on Thursdays at the lunch hour which have been much appreciated University Degrees etc During the year under review one student of the Theological Department obtained the degree of Ph one took honours in Theology and five were granted the degree of The results of the degree examination are most satisfactory as all the candidates from King's College passed We may note here the results of examinations taken by women students These are also most encouraging One obtained the one passed the Intermediate two passed the examination for the Lambeth Diploma one that for the University Diploma and 17 that for the University Certificate The Associateship The Council have elected 40 Associates during the Session Theology 17 Arts Science Engineering The Rev Lightfoot acted as external examiner for the Theological Associateship on the nomina- tion of the Central Advisory Council The Annual Reunion of Theological Associates was held on Whit Tuesday in the College The sermon was preached by Canon Wood- ward and the Rev Edmund Geard was elected Chairman of the Theological Society Corporation and Council The resignation of the Rev Bourne from the Council on the ground of ill-health has to be recorded with regret The Council have elected Mr Llewelyn Birchall Atkinson Μ Ϊ Ε Ε member of the Corporation of King's College
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