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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1927-1928-413

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ANNUAL REPORT has been used for increasing salaries and £4 500 is to be set aside annually for the Fund for new buildings The income from fees amounted to £48 044 an increase of £1 467 on the previous year and highly satis- factory result when it is remembered that the Department of Bac- teriology was closed at the end of the previous Session entailing loss in fee income of approximately £500 per annum During the year £7 762 was spent on new buildings of which £6 790 was the balance of the cost of the new Zoology Physiology and Geology laboratories on the roof completed at the beginning of the Session The total cost of these buildings was £7 290 of which £2 084 was pro- vided by the accumulated surplus of the last six years £4 956 was charged to the Revenue Account of 1924-25 and the balance of £250 was provided from current revenue The sum of £917 as compared with £520 in the previous year was spent on minor alterations and improve- ments of the College buildings including the installation of ventilating plant in the Department of Chemistry the extension of central heating in the Mechanical Engineering Department and the conversion of the old Bacteriology Department for use as Biochemical laboratory in the Department of Physiology The College was again able to make considerable provision for special apparatus for the laboratories and has spent £1 732 as compared with £1 748 in the previous year on this account In addition £500 was set aside for the special apparatus fund for research On receipt of the increased Treasury Grant the College was able to bring into operation substantially improved scale of salaries both for Professors and for the junior staff In the latter case no immediate benefit accrues to Lecturers in the earlier years of their tenure of office but the rate of progress to higher salaries in the scale has been accelerated The usual grant of £1 150 was made to the Library but in addition £1 400 out of special non-recurrent Treasury Grant of £2 500 made to the College for the Library was spent on special works and binding The total income for the year amounted to £126 013 and the expendi- ture including £6 500 as the year's contribution to the New Buildings Fund to £123 584 leaving credit balance of £2 429 which in accord- ance with the decision of the Senate will be transferred to the New Buildings Fund 10 Benefactions The late Professor Dendy bequeathed in his will to the College certain of his scientific collections They include scientific books and pamph- lets natural history specimens microscopes microscopical preparations cabinets and other scientific apparatus and in addition there are 100 volumes of scientific books from his library It has been decided with the concurrence of Professor Dendy's executors that the collection of Porifera and the books and pamphlets relating to it should be housed in the British Museum The Museum has accepted the collection and it has accordingly been transferred to it it is registered as the Dendy Collection and is readily available for reference tablet י
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