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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1927-1928-38

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36 king's college london MnQ'e College Xonfcon GENERAL INFORMATION King's College and King's College for Women are by the University of London Transfer Act 1908 incorporated in the University of London in all Faculties except Theology The Theological Department is School" of the University in the Faculty of Theology The College adjoins Somerset House in the Strand and is close to the Aldwych station of the Great Northern Piccadilly and Brompton Railway and to the Temple station on the Metropolitan District Railway The County Council tramways rim past the College along the Victoria Embankment and numerous omnibuses pass the College along the Strand There is an entrance to the College from the Victoria Embankment The building includes chapel large hall and theatre rooms for the College classes museums libraries laboratories for practical work in all subjects anatomical rooms and workshops King's College for Women is now practically amalgamated with King's College in the Faculties of Arts and Science although pending legislation it is still constitutionally separate The work at King's College in connection with the University of London consists of the following University of London King's College The Faculty of Arts This includes Language and Literature English French Spanish Slavonic Studies Classics German Portuguese δ History Ancient Modern Central European Imperial and Colonial Mediaeval Palaeography Philosophy Psychology Education Journalism ii Faculty of Laws -The classes in Law are arranged by an intercollegiate scheme with University College and the London School of Economics in Faculty of Natural Science -This includes Mathematics Pure and Applied Chemistry Physics Geology Geography Zoology Botany iv Faculty of Medical Science This includes Anatomy Embryology Pharmacology Physiology Histology Bio- Chemistry The Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences in- eluding mechanical electrical and civil engineering Except in the Faculty of Engineering and Medical Science there are courses in the evening as well as in the day
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