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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1927-1928-33

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a sketch of the history of king's college 31 possession of Strand School Moreover owing to the establishment of the University and the great development of University work the demands upon the Council and on the Officers of the College had very largely increased It was clear that some re-organization and re-arrangement were necessary For all these reasons the University was approached and after protracted negotiations scheme of incorporation was arranged which was embodied in an Act of Parliament that received the Royal Assent on August 1st 1908 Commissioners appointed under the Act prepared Statutes which were sealed on June 26th 1909 By this Act King's College School was to be separated from the College and placed under new Corporation The Corporation of King's College Hospital was made entirely independent of the Council of the College and entrusted with the government of the Advanced Medical School and provision was inserted by which within two years of the appointed day Strand School and the Civil Service Department should vacate the rooms in the College which they occupied All the secular work of the College of University character with the exception of the Advanced Medical School and also the Women's Department were transferred to the University while the Theological Faculty was to remain under the government of the Council of King's College The buildings of the College remain vested in the Council but the Council leases to the Uni- versity for period of 999 years all rooms except those which are by the Act assigned to the Theological Faculty The buildings of the Women's Department are transferred to the University room in them being leased to the Council for religious instruction In order that the original purpose of the College by which instruction in the doctrines and duties of Christianity was to be given side by side with instruction in various branches of literature and science might be preserved the Council is not only given the duty of managing the Theological Faculty but is also required to provide daily service in chapel which all students may be able to attend and weekly lecture in Theology while it is provided that the time-table shall be so arranged that students of all Faculties may make use of these privileges Similar arrangements are also made for the Women's Department Further in order that religious instruction may not be isolated from secular instruction the Theo- logical Department and those Faculties transferred to the University remain one College and careful provision is made that students and professors in both may share the same common-rooms and public buildings Certain changes are also made in the constitution of the Corporation and the CouncU The Act came into force as regards the Hospital and Advanced Medical School on September 1st 1909 as regards the College and the Women's Department on January 1st 1910 and as regards King's College School January 1st 1911 King's College as it was originally founded and as it has developed
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