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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1927-1928-307

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312 PAST AND PRESENT STAFF ETC Reader 1920 William Thomas Gordon Sc Lecturers 1872 Thomas Wiltshire 1922 alfred Kingsley Wells Sc 1908 Thomas Franklin Sibly Sc 1927 sidney william wooldridqe Sc 1914 William Thomas Gordon Sc Ed Lecturer in Petrology 1915 Arthur Hubert Cox Sc Ph Assistant Lecturers and Demonstrators 1919 Alfred Kingsley Wells BJ3c 1925 Sidney William Wooldridge Sc Demonstrators 1905 Arthur Morley Davies Sc 1920 Lawrence Dudley Stamp Sc 1910 Arthur Hubert Cox Sc Ph 1922 Sidney William Wooldridge Sc BOTANY 1831 Gilbert Thomas Burnett 1835 David Don 1842 Edward Forbes 1855 Arthur Henfrey 1859 Robert Bentley Professors 1887 1893 James William Groves William Beacroft Bottomley Ph REGINALD RUGQLES GATES Sc Ph Reader 1919 Reginald Ruggles Gates Sc Ph Lecturers 1896 Ferguson Escombe Sc 1921 Edith PhiUp Smith 1919 Ernest Justus Schwartz 1922 Robert Chapman Sc Sc 1927 Eustace Cecil Barton-Wright 1920 Florence Annie Mockerldge Sc Sc Assistant Lecturers 1917 Florence Annie Mockeridge Sc Demonstrators 1897 Ernest Justus Schwartz 1923 Barbara Russell Russell-Wells Ph Sc 1923 margaret joan latter Sc Ph 1920 Elaine Mary Rees Sc 1924 Walter Robert Ivimey Cook 1922 Norman Carl Preston Sc Sc Ph Assistant Demonstrator 1909 Ethel Spratt Sc ZOOLOGY See also Comparative Anatomy Professors 1836 Thomas Bell 1925 Julian Sorell Huxley 1905 Arthur Dendy Sc 1927 doris Livingston MacKinnon Sc Afterwards Principal of University College of Swansea and now Principal Officer of the University of London
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