Calendar: 1927-1928 Page 288
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293 APPENDIX Α NAMES OF THE PRINCIPAL THE DEAN AND THE STAFF OF KING'S COLLEGE AND KING'S COLLEGE FOR WOMEN NOW HOLDING OFFICE Name Barker Ernest Litt LL Matthews Rev Walter Robert Allmand Arthur John Sc Appleton Edward Victor Μ Α Sc Atkins Henry Gibson Lit Aveling Francis Arthur Powell Μ Ο Ί Sc Ph Barry Rev Frank Russell Bartlett Robert John Sc Barton-Wright Eustace Cecil Sc Bath Frederick Sc Bell William Lawrance Leonard Bennie Victor Charles Sc Bentley William Bevan Edwyn Robert LL Beza Marcu L-fes-L Blair Duncan MacCallum Ch Brambell Francis William Rogers Sc Ph Sc Brinton Hubert Brittain Dorothy Buchheim Emma Sophia Carey John Robert Carr Herbert Wildon Litt Childs William Harold Joseph Sc Christy Ronald Kington Sc Clarke Hugh Major Sc Coghill Violet Ch Oombridgp John Theodore Μ Sc Compton Alwyne Principal Dean Professor Wheatetone Professor1 Professor Reader Professor Lecturer Lecturer Asst Lecturer Lecturer Demons Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Professor Lecturer Master Lecturer Warden Lecturer Lecturer Professor Demonstrator Demons Lecturer Demonstrator Asst Lect Lecturer Subject or Department King's College Theolog Dept Chemistry Physics German Psychology Theology Psychology Botany Mathematics Law Physics Portuguese Hellenistic Language and Literature Roumanian Anatomy Zoology Prelim Class French Women's Hostel German Spanish Philosophy Physics Physiology Elec Engineer Anatomy Mathematics Anatomy
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