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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1927-1928-28

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26 sketch of the histohy of king's college individual happiness on the ground of right principles and to promote the best interests of Society by methods which tend to the glory of God The first Principal was Dr William Otter after- wards Bishop of Chichester For some years movement had been on foot to obtain Charter for University of London University College had been founded in 1826 as private institution under the name of the University of London and efforts had been made to make it the new University These proposals were not entertained and in 1836 Charter was granted to University College under that name while on tho same day November 28th the present Universitjr of London received Charter as degree-giving body on the following conditions Charter will be granted to persons eminent in literature and science to act as Board of Examiners and to perform all the functions of the Examiners in the Senate House of Cambridge this body to be termed the University of London Pupils from University and King's College to be admitted on certificates of having gone through course of study at those establishments and having obtained proficiency to pass for Degree and having conducted themselves to the satisfaction of the Governing Bodies of those Colleges to be examined and to be classed according to their relative merits Any other Bodies for Education whether corpora ted or uncor- porated may from time to time be named by the Crown and their pupils may be admitted to examination for Degrees It is important to notice that the present University was founded out of University College and King's College it being only at later date that other institutions were affiliated to it The College according to its original constitution consisted of Senior Department" and Junior Department The latter soon became known as King's College School The Senior Depart- ment became the Department of General Literature and Science and almost immediately Medical Department was added In 1838 owing largely to the development in Engineering caused by the growth of the railway system an Engineering Department" was founded Afterwards it was enlarged in its scope and became the Department of Applied Sciences Originally little more than technical school the scientific side was more and more developed as time went on and this Department at first comparatively small gradually increased and became the most important in the College From the teaching of the Arts of Construction commenced in 1840 there developed in 1886 Division of Architecture and Build- ing Construction and highly successful Evening Classes were carried on with the assistance of the Carpenters' Company This Division was by arrangement with the University transferred to University College in 1913 with the object of concentrating and improving the efficiency of the School In the year 1839 the Hospital was founded For time it occupied
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